Rotary International Theme 2023-2024


Rotary Club of Durham

Rotary International President:

Gordon McInally

Rotary District 5160 Governor:

Clair Roberts

Durham Rotary President: Glenn Pulliam


Editor: Phil Price

Publisher:  Jen Liu


 June 25, 2024


  Harvest Festival 2024

Will be held on
Sep. 15, 2024

The Meeting Opening

The meeting was called to order by President Peggi Koehler at BCCC, for her first timeas president.

Peggi asked Steve Plume to lead the pledge, which he did.  Jim Patterson then presented the invocation (which was rather appropriateconsidering our president and Rotary International’s new president (see below).   Following the invocation Larry Bradley, led us in singing God Bless America.

2024                                       Calendar for Durham Rotary

2 3 4
No Meeting
5 6 7 8
9 10 11
Demotion Party at BCCC
(Eric Hoiland)
12 13 14 15
16 17 18
No Meeting
19 20 21 22
23 24 25
Norm Rosene on Animal Rescur in Disaster
(Ravi Saip)
26 27 28 29


1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8
Camp Royal & Camp Venture Students
(Peggi Koehler & Larry Bradley)
12 13
No Meeting
21 22 23
Jason & Jamie Pieper, Paradise Brew Werks
(Peggi Koehler)
24 25 26 27
28 29 30
No Meeting

FUTURE MEETINGS: Meetings will be at the location noted, at 6:00 pm.

June 25th:   Ravi Saip at BCCC

July 9th:  Larry Bradley & Peggi Koehler will present our Camp Royal and Camp Venture Students, at BCCC.

There will be a Board Meeting at 5:00 pm.

July 23rd: Peggi Kiehler will present Jason and Jamie Piepet, Paradise Brew Werks at BCCC.

August 20th:  Peggi and Ericpresenting a Tipsy Tuesday at location TBA



Prior to the meeting there was a combination Board Meeting and Harvest Festival Committee Meeting.

Regarding the Harvest Festival, we still do not know whether we will have the new Captain Bob.  It will be mid-July before we will know. The committee agreed to raise the prices for our meals.  They will be: Breakfast $10, Hot Dog lunch $10 and Tri-Tip lunch $15.  There was an extensive discussion about the type of vendor we will allow in.

Regarding Board action, it nominated Tom Knowles as President Elect and Diana Selland as Secretary.  She will immediately replace Peggi, who is now president.

Peggi reported that she went with members of other local clubs to pick up our Camp Venture students.  She reported that our local Camp Venture students did very well at Camp Venture.

Peggi also reported that the BCCC wants know how many they will be serving dinner to at our meetings.  So, you will receive an email from Peggi announcing the next meeting and asking you to RSVP, if you will attend, by the Wednesday prior.

Introduction of Visitors 

Ravi Siap introduced his wife, Mary, K.R.’s wife, Sharon and his program for the night,Norm Rosese.

Paul Harris Fellowships

Steve Heithecker, as the chairperson and sole member of our Paul Harris committee, using accumulated points, awarded Peggi Koehler and Diana Selland with Paul Harris Fellowships.

Our Next Meeting

On July 9th we will have the Camp Royal and Camp Venture students, at the BCCC.


President Peggi recognized Mike Wacker with her Happy Bucks assessment of $10, figuring he hadto be happy being here for the first time in a long while.

She also assessed her Husband, who arrived late, with a $20 Happy Bucks assessment.  He is happy for passing a kidney stone.  It gets charged to her account.

Bruce Norlie was recognized, in abstention, for his birthday in the amount of $10.

Tonight’s Meeting Program

Ravi Saip introduced Norm Rosene.  Norm is a local dentist, but he is also heavily involved in animal rescue.  He is a member and on the board of North Valley Animal Disaster Group.  The members of the Group are trained to rescue animals from fires, earthquakes and all sorts of other disasters.  After rescue they provide shelter for the rescued animals until they can be returned to their owners.  They are trained to work with local fire departments and rescue organizations so as to not interfere with their operations.  People rescue comes first and they do not go in until the people rescuers are out. 

Norm talked about their history.  The following is the history he talked about, from their web page:

NVADG History

NVADG was started in the late 1990’s by then-firefighter John Maretti after wildfires killed two people who wouldn’t evacuate without their animals. A firefighter was seriously burned trying to save one of the pet-owners.

The early organization was supported by members of Calfire, Sheriff’s office, Animal Control, Butte County Board of Supervisors and the county office of emergency management. They all recognized human safety during a disaster would be improved if there was care for animals.

The community, too, assisted with funds and materials for the start-up costs. Approval of NVADG was based on strictly following emergency protocols, being fully trained and equipped, just like the professional. That called for professional-grade PPEs, radios, training and equipment.

In 2002, the Butte County Board of Supervisors signed a formal MOU with NVADG to be called out when a circumstance was more than what could be handled by Animal Control alone. By then the volunteers had worked for three years to meet emergency response training and equipment requirements.

For the first decade there was no permanent warehouse, headquarters or shelter. Volunteers stored trailers and equipment, businesses donated meeting space and shelters were set up on the fly. Every year the all-volunteer group would divide up the work of training, equipment care and administrative duties. Thanks to core dedicated volunteers, the organization survived and thrived.

In an ordinary year, NVADG would be called on to evacuate and shelter for two or three fires. In 2008, the huge Humboldt and Butte Lightning fires tested the volunteer response with six weeks of fires and evacuations. Hundreds of animals were sheltered in temporary quarters or “sheltered in place” in their homes and pastures, awaiting the lifting of evacuation orders.

The land got dryer and fires got bigger. NVADG rented warehouse space and secured more permanent animal shelters for small and large animals.In 2017 the year kicked off with the evacuation of the southern third of Butte County due to the potential Oroville Dam spillway collapse. By the end of the2017, NVADG had responded to nine evacuations. The following year, in 2018, NVADG spent 78 days caring for over 10.000 animals during the Camp Fire.

At this time, NVADG has over 350 active volunteers and agreements with many Community Animal Response Teams for mutual aid. Due to the increased size of fires and need for response, we have hired an Executive Director to manage training, resources, and administration. We look forward to having our own training room, warehouse, and trailer parking in Chico in the future.

The reason NVADG exists today is the same reason it was started back in 1998. We have dedicated volunteers who lead, train, manage equipment,and give hundreds of hours to the care of animals during evacuations. We help people by helping their animals during a disaster.”

Norm also works with the International Fund for Animal Welfare and has been all over the world assisting in training animal rescuers.  From their web page:  

IFAW (International Fund for Animal Welfare) works around the globe to rescue and rehabilitate animals, end illegal wildlife trade, and conserve habitats.

We collaborate with local communities to create sustainable livelihoods that benefit both people and animals.

Thanks to your support, IFAW rescuers and veterinarians are there to rebuild koala habitat in Australia, save whales and dolphins entangled in fishing gear, help Ukraine refugees get to safety with their pets, and protect animals worldwide.


He and his wife have spent a lot to time in India training animal rescuers.


This was a fascinating program.


Bring guests who you think you can interest in becoming a member.  Your dinner and your guest’s dinner will be paid for by the Club.  Also, bring a guest to one of our occasional social gatherings.

Go to the following Rotary International web site for information on membership development: .  From this website there is access to membership development and other related information.


The Rotary Foundation Donations

You can make a difference in this world by helping people in need. Your gift can do some great things, from supplying filters that clean people’s drinking water to empowering local entrepreneurs to grow through business development training.

The Rotary Foundation will use your gift to fund the life-changing work of Rotary members who provide sustainable solutions to their communities’ most pressing needs. But we need help from people like you who will take action and give the gift of Rotary to make these projects possible.

When every Rotarian gives every year, no challenge is too great for us to make a difference. The minimum gift to The Rotary Foundation is $25.00.   An annual $100.00 gift is a sustaining member.  Once your donations accumulate to $1,000 you become a Paul Harris Fellow.

If you have any questions ask Steve Heithecker.

It is possible to learn more about The Rotary Foundation on the Rotary web site. 

Your gift can be made online or by sending Jessica Thorpe a check made out to The Rotary Foundation to Durham Rotary, P.O. Box 383, Durham, California 95958.

Must Be Present to Win Drawing:

Ravi drew Diana Selland’s name.  She was present to win,

President Peggi then closed the meeting.



From District 5160

2023-24 DG Claire Roberts & 2024-25 DG Dan Geraldi invite YOU to join us for ourDistrict 5160 Annual Awards & Installation event!

Enjoy a program celebrating the 2023-2024 and recognizing our award winners.

Celebrate new Rotary year and our Club & District leadership transition as we installour 2024-2025 Club Presidents

You don’t want to miss a fantastic evening to come together as a Rotary community!

Saturday, July 13, 2024

5:30 to 8:30pm

(No Host Cocktails at 5:30; the buffet dinner will be served at 6:15pm)

Davis Veterans Memorial Center, 203 E 14th St, Davis 95616

Cost: $60.00 per person (includes one drink ticket for beer or wine)

ATTIRE: Cocktail casual


The deadline to register is July 7th

Our President Peggi will be attending this event.  Join her.

World Peace Conference – January 24-26, 2025, Rohnert Park (Sonoma Wine Country)


From Rotary International’s

News and Features Website

Second woman takes office as president of Rotary International

One-year term will prioritize adapting to changing times and advancing peace

EVANSTON, Ill., USA – 25 June 2024 — Stephanie Urchick, member of the Rotary Club of McMurray, PA, will become the second woman to takeoffice as president of Rotary International on 1 July 2024. During her one-year term, Urchick will lead the 119-year-old membership service organization in adapting for future success as Rotary’s 1.4 millionmembers around the world develop and implement sustainable, community-driven projects that fight disease, promote peace, provide clean water, support education, save mothers and children, grow local economies, and protect the environment. More than US$5.5 billion has been awarded through The Rotary Foundation—Rotary’s charitable arm that helps clubs worktogether to perform meaningful, impactful service—to support these initiatives over the last 100 years.

In order to ensure that Rotary membership is a compelling option for those whohave a heart for service and fellowship, Urchick is urging clubs to assess their strengths and areas for improvement while alsoencouraging them to embrace different meeting formats and membership styles as they work to mirror the communities in which they exist in terms of gender,age, culture, socioeconomic status, and more.

“Embracing different viewpoints and creating peaceful, welcoming, and inclusive societiesis at the heart of Rotary’s work,” said Urchick. “As president, I will work with clubs to prioritize advancing peace by helping tocreate the conditions for stable and resilient societies in which people can thrive.”

As one of the world’s largest membership service organizations, Rotary has madepeacebuilding the cornerstone of its global mission. From carrying out service projects to supporting future leaders through youth programs and scholarships,Rotary is taking action to address the underlying causes of conflict, including poverty, discrimination, ethnic tension, lack of access to education, andunequal distribution of resources.

Through academic training, practice and global networking, Rotary is helpingprofessionals become effective catalysts for peace. Rotary partners with leading universities around the world to host Rotary Peace Centers thatempower, educate, and increase the capacity of peacebuilders. Each year, Rotary awards 50 fully funded fellowships for master’s degrees and up to 80 fullyfunded fellowships for certificate studies to dedicated peace and development leaders from communities around the world.

Since 2002, the peace centers program has prepared more than 1,800 peace fellowsworking in more than 140 countries to create a more peaceful world.

To build on this momentum, Urchick will host a peace conference at the launch of Rotary’s newest Peace Center in partnership withBahçeşehir University, in Istanbul, Turkey in February 2025.

As president, Urchick will also oversee Rotary’s top goal of eradicating polio. Alongside its Global Polio Eradication Initiative partners, Rotary has achieved a 99.9% reduction in polio cases, and contributed more than US$2.7 billion andcountless volunteer hours to protect 3 billion children from this paralyzing disease.

About Stephanie Urchick

Urchick holds a doctorate in leadership studies from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. A Rotary membersince 1991, Stephanie has served Rotary in many roles and capacities. Her service includes building a primary school in Vietnam; installing water filtersin the Dominican Republic; mentoring new Rotary members in Ukraine; coordinating a Rotary Foundation grant project in Poland; and leading effortsto formulate and adopt Rotary’s Action Plan, a strategic road map that will help bring even more people together to create lasting and positive change inan evolving world.

About Rotary
Rotary unites a global network of volunteer leaders dedicated to tackling the world’s most pressing humanitarianchallenges and creating lasting change. Rotary connects 1.4 million people of action from more than 46,000 Rotary clubs in almost every country in the world.Their service improves lives both locally and internationally, from helping those in need in their own communities to working toward a polio-free world.For more information, visit


CONTACT: Stephanie Graff,

The Rotary International web site is:

District 5160 is:

The Durham Rotary Club site is:

The Rowel Editor may be contacted at:

The deadline for the Rowel 6:30 am on Wednesdays.

The Editor's photographs published in the Rowel are available, upon request, in their original file size.  Those published were substantially reduced in file size.