Rotary International Theme 2024-2025


Rotary Club of Durham

Rotary International President:

Gordon McInally

Rotary District 5160 Governor:

Clair Roberts

Durham Rotary President: Glenn Pulliam


Editor: Phil Price

Publisher:  Jen Liu


January 25, 2025


Harvest Festival


will be held on

September 21, 2025


The Meeting Opening

This was the Crab Feed at the Memorial Hall in Durham.

This was not a meeting so President Peggy did not open the meeting.  However Larry Bradley did moderate the beginning, asking Tod Kimmelshue (member of the Butte County Board of Supervisors) to lead the pledge. 

Then Larry Bradley did lead us in singing God Bless America.

Following that, Jim Patterson presented the invocation

2025                                       Calendar for Durham Rotary

1 2 3 4
5 6 7
Conservatory Practice within Butte County

(Tom Knowles)
8 9 10 11
13 14
No Meeting
15 16 17 18
19 20 21
Crab Feed Planning Meeting at Durham Memorial Hall
22 23 24 25
Crab Feed
26 27 28
No Meeting
29 30 31

2 3
Crab Feed Debrief at the BCCC
Board Meeting at 5PM
7 8
No Meeting
16 17 18
Interact Club Update
(Jessica Thorpe & Diana Selland)
19 20 21 21

23 24 25
No Meeting
26 27 28

FUTURE MEETINGS: Meetings will be at the location noted, at 6:00 pm.

February 4th:  Borad Meeting followed by Crab Feed de-brief at the BCCC

February 18th:  Interact Club Update from Jessica Thrope and Diana Selland.

March 4th:  Phil will present a program at BCCC

March 18th:  Daryl Polk will present a program at BCCC

April 1st:  Eric Hoiland will present a program at the BCCC.

The Crab Feed

After meeting opening, we had a moment of silence for Colleen Coutts.  She passed away unexpectedly on Dec. 12, 2024, while on vacation in Fiji at the age of 67.  She was a career counselor at Durham High School.  She advised the Interact Club and often worked with our club on matters relating to Durham High School students and Interact Club.

After that it was a party with crab, shrimp, pasta, etc.

Also bidding on the Silent Auction items on the table through the middle of the room and the drawing items in the bar room.

Many of us began at 8:00 am getting the rooms ready.  By 10:30 am it looked like this.

Here are some of the Silent Auction items:

Members of the High School Interact Club helped us with serving.  Here they are:

Then there were the food and the people having a good time:

Our Next Meeting

Our next meeting, on February 4th.  It will be a debrief of the Crab Feed.  It, will be at the BCCC. 

Following that we will again meet at the Memorial Hall in Durham for as Club Social on February 18th.


Bring guests who you think you can interest in becoming a member.  Your dinner and your guest’sdinner will be paid for by the Club.  Also, bring a guest to one of our occasional social gatherings.

District 5160 Governor, Dan Geraldi is asking each club member to bring at least one guest toa meeting this year.

Go to the following Rotary International web site for information on membershipdevelopment: .  From this website there is access to membership development and other related information.

The Rotary Foundation Donations

You can make a difference in this world by helping people in need. Your gift can do some great things, from supplying filters that cleanpeople’s drinking water to empowering local entrepreneurs to grow through business development training.

The Rotary Foundation will use your gift to fund the life-changing work of Rotary members who provide sustainable solutions to theircommunities’ most pressing needs. But we need help from people like you who will take action and give the gift of Rotary to make these projects possible.

When every Rotarian gives every year, no challenge is too great for us to make a difference. The minimumgift to The Rotary Foundation is $25.00.   An annual $100.00 gift is a sustaining member.  Once your donations accumulate to $1,000 you becomea Paul Harris Fellow.

If you have any questions, ask Steve Heithecker.

It is possible to learn more about The Rotary Foundation on the Rotary web site. 

Your gift can be made online or by sending Jessica Thorpe a check made out to The Rotary Foundation to Durham Rotary, P.O. Box 383, Durham, California 95958.


The Rotary International web site is:

District 5160 is:

The Durham Rotary Club site is:

The Rowel Editor may be contacted at:

The deadline for the Rowel 6:30 am on Wednesdays.

The Editor's photographs published in the Rowel are available, upon request, in their original file size.  Those published were substantially reduced in file size.