Durham Rotary Club


Officers History Honors Why Join? Make Up Roster NewsLtr Mtg. Calendar

Welcome from our President, Peggi Koehler

The Rotary Club of Durham
meets every Tuesday, 6 - 7:30 p.m.
at the Butte Creek Country Club,
  175 Estates Drive, Chico, CA
Click here for Map

Mailing address:
Durham Rotary.  Box 383 Durham Ca, 95938

Harvest Festival

Crab Feed

Other Web Sites:
District 5160

District PolioPlus

Rotary International Rotary International President's Site

of things we think, say or do

1... Is it the TRUTH?

2... Is it FAIR to all concerned?

3... Will it build  GOOD WILL

4... Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?


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Durham Rotary Club Volunteers
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